A procedurally generated turn-based grid game, where you wander around collecting oil to refuel your lantern, while using various other items to slow the spread of the darkness.


The game uses an Inventory system where you only have access to the item in your inventory you most recently picked up, so be smart about how you pick up items.

You have 3 energy each turn, which can be used for various actions:

Movement (arrow keys) [1 Energy]: You can move up, down, left, or right. Some objects on the ground are difficult to move through, requiring more than 1 energy to move through.

Use Item (Z) [2 Energy]: Expends the top Item in your Inventory, providing some unique benefit.

Pick Up Item (X) [1 Energy]: Pick up an Item you are standing on top of, adding it to the top of your Inventory.

Drop Item (C) [1 Energy]: Drop the top Item in your Inventory where you are standing. Can only be done if you are not standing on top of any object.

End Turn Early (Enter) [All remaining Energy]: You can press Enter to end your turn early, if you want to do so for some reason.

After each turn, the darkness on all the tiles around you will spread by a little bit.

You can hold left mouse down on a Tile or Item to see what it does.

Created as Midterm Project for Intermediate Programming for Games

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