*Beginning Note* Rules are now a part of the game itself, including a brand-new tutorial!

Play cards each turn to your program, spending Energy (E).

Each card you add to your program will slightly affect how the game is played (drawing more cards, playing more cards, etc).

Most cards added to your program will decay over time, and eventually be discarded, returned to your deck.

Purchase more cards to add to your deck.

Don't run out of energy or cards in your deck/discard pile, or you lose! (You also lose if you have more actions to use than cards in your hand).

*NOTE 1* Card abilities have been transferred to symbols. To read what a card does, right click hold on that card to have a larger version of it pop up.

*NOTE 2*: This is a very early prototype, so expect their to be bugs aplenty. I will be attempting to update the game regularly, at least until May 12th. Graphical improvements will probably not occur until at least May 1st.

*Other Rules (Found in the Program Manual to the left in the game)*

There are two basic resources:

- Energy: Used to play cards, cards with + Energy only increase that Energy the first time they are played.

-$: Used to buy cards, cards with + $ increase your $ every turn that they are in your program.

You can click/double-click a card, turning its edges blue, to select it. If a card cannot be selected this way, it is not a playable card at the given moment. Press ENTER to play a selected card.

BASE cards have an energy cost of 0, and when played, their effects occur immediately, and they go into your Base. They do not go into your program.
Most Recently Updated: 5/8/2020 - 9:30 AM

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